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Oct 13, 2022 Moritz

BECHTLE IT system house Freiburg: The IT future partner from Breisgau


Bechtle AG is the largest IT system house in Germany and a strong partner for companies and public administration. The MDAX-listed group supports customers in the digital transformation and offers a comprehensive range of products and services for IT infrastructure and IT operations across all manufacturers. As a service provider for future-proof IT architectures, Bechtle considers traditional IT infrastructure to be just as important as the current topics of digitalisation, cloud, modern workplace, security, and IT as a service.


Bechtle Logo

company: Bechtle AG

industry: IT services

locations: Around 80 IT system houses in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, as well as IT e-commerce companies in 14 European countries.


As part of a large group, but at the same time as a medium-sized company, the Bechtle IT system house Freiburg can benefit from both perspectives:

  • The group offers established structures, broad knowledge & extensive experience as well as Germany-wide exchange.

  • As a medium-sized company with approximately 120 employees, Bechtle Freiburg has flat hierarchies, can work in an agile manner, and has many options for individually adapting processes to local customers.

    Would you like to manage your inventory digitally in a clean and structured way? Then download our free inventory guide with lots of expert knowledge about digital inventory now.Inventory guide (PDF)



Key facts about Bechtle IT system house Freiburg:

Bechtle AG Freiburg office

  • Bechtle AG is a German IT company with a total of 12.880 employees, headquartered in Neckarsulm, Germany, and approx. 100 locations in the DACH region and other European countries.
  • The Bechtle IT system house Freiburg is one of the system houses and manages the inventory smart & digitally with seventhings.
  • Founded in 1984, the location has been part of the Bechtle Group since 1996.
  • Around 120 employees work in Freiburg.
  • In the meantime, approx. 800 assets have been recorded. And the trend is rising!


Challenges & wishes

The inventory data was managed in an Excel spreadsheet. Typically for the programme, unclean data crept in. It is impossible to get an overview in an Excel spreadsheet filled with 800 data records on inventory items. This makes working with the inventory no fun at all!

At the same time, this way of working does not fit at all with a well-positioned and organised company that is always up to date in IT matters.

At first, a committed colleague from the IT department began to develop a solution herself. But then the decisive tip came from the colleagues in the IT system house in Offenburg that there was already a reliable and well-functioning solution for exactly this.

They wanted a solution that was quick and easy to use and that was fun to work with. In addition, professional workarounds for the transfer of inventory to employees were to be developed so that especially entries and exits from the company can be processed efficiently and securely.


The solution by seventhings

All data in one place: With the seventhings Inventory Manager, the Bechtle IT system house Freiburg has now found a solution to keep all data on inventory items in one place. Thanks to the optimised view, the platform offers a simple overview of the inventory. In addition, it is possible to collaborate across departments.

For example, the IT department can purchase technical equipment, quickly and easily inventory it and prepare it for use by employees, and then pass it on to the Human Resources department, which then hands it over to employees. With seventhings, the team has found a fluid, well-functioning workaround that on the one hand fulfils all the important requirements for this process, but at the same time is no longer so time-consuming in terms of documentation.

New product -> seventhings label on it -> Scan & inventory with the tablet -> Select employee -> Done!

This also allows for greater flexibility throughout the company. The digital handover via the seventhings app has made it possible for staff to work from home offices. The customisable dashboards also help to ensure that each department gets its specific insight, allowing them to quickly get to the information they really need. Without having to click or research for a long time.

Simply an individual overview - with the seventhings inventory manager. This saves a lot of time and the inventory is even fun - because it is not the documentation in various Excel tables and transfer protocols, but a short, concise workaround.


Why does that even make sense?

t's simple: digitisation is more important than ever and so is the optimisation of processes in companies. And the question "Who actually saw the projector?" should be answered by a smart app...and not by office management after hours of searching.


>>> And many more reasons as well as your "free checklist" can be found in our expert guide.Inventory guide (PDF)



seventhings - tag it, scan it, know it

seventhings team


Published by Moritz October 13, 2022